Saturday, May 16, 2009

I've added and updated my site... has received a couple of new upgrades and also has a few new images added to the galleries!

First and foremost, I've added a new section to the Home page that will feature one of my recent paintings. I realize that there's a sidebar on the right of every page of my site that shows 4 recent paintings, HOWEVER, I wanted to have a main image on the Home page that would do the same thing, except on a larger scale. That way there's a new fresh image on the Home page that will change every so often as I add new work to the site.

I've also added a couple of new Landscape paintings to the NATURE Gallery that I recently finished and finally got good digi pics of them to post here on the site. On top of that I've also been working on a few new landscapes for a side project, AND have also been working on some new Cityscapes and skyline paintings! As soon as I get good pics and if I have enough of them to show then I will be adding a new gallery just for Cityscapes!

^-^ Click the image above to go to the Galleries! ^-^